School of English and Drama

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Dr Laura Carnelos



2012-13: Librarian Trainee, European University Institute (Florence)

2012: Pompeo Molmenti Prize sponsored by the Venetian Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts for an original and unpublished work on a topic relating to the social, cultural and institutional history of the Veneto between the 13th and 20th centuries.

2010-2011: Lecturer in the History of the Book and Publishing, University of Verona

2010-2011: Research grant: 'Ordinary Books and Reading in Italy between the 16th and 18th centuries', Universita Ca' Foscari, Venice.

2010: PhD in European Social History from the Middle Ages to the Present, Universita Ca' Foscari, Venice.  Thesis title: 'Libri da grida, da banco e da bottega.  Editoria di consumo a Venezia tra norma e contrafazzione, XVII-XVIII'.

2006: Second cycle degree, History and Management of Archival and Bibliographic Heritage, Universita Ca' Foscari, Venice.  Thesis title: 'I libri da risma. Contributo allo studio dell'editoria popolare nell'Italia del '700.'

2004: Professional qualification in rare book restoration, School of the Science and Art of BookBookbinding, Vicenza.

2003: First cycle degree: Preservation of Cultural Heritage, Archival and Library Studies, Universita Ca' Foscari, Venice.  Thesis title: 'Aldo Manuzio: modelli manoscritti dei caraterri tipografoci latini e greci'

Research interests:

• Cultural and social history of early modern Europe
• History of the Book
• History of popular culture
• History of colportage
• the production and distribution - both authorized and illegal - of the most widely circulated books within the Venetian Republic



‘Con libri alla mano’. Editoria di larga diffusione a Venezia tra ’6 e ’700, Milan, Unicopli, 2012.

I libri da risma. Catalogo delle edizioni Remondini a larga diffusione (1650-1850), Milan, FrancoAngeli, 2008.


Entry ‘Nicolini da Sabbio, Giovanni Antonio’, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Roma, Istituto della enciclopedia Treccani, (forthcoming).

‘La corporazione e gli esterni: stampatori e librai a Venezia tra norma e contraffazione (XVI-XVIII)’, Società e storia, n. 130 (2010), pp. 657-688.

‘I libri da risma. Contributo allo studio dell’editoria popolare nell’Italia del ’700’, La Fabbrica del libro, n. 2 (2006), pp. 6-10.

Books edited

I pirati dei libri. Stampa e contraffazione a Venezia tra Sei e Settecento, Venice, Marsilio, 2012.

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