Dr Helmer Helmers, PhD at Leiden University
email: h.j.helmers@uva.nlWebsite: http://home.medewerker.uva.nl/h.j.helmers/index.html
Lecturer in Early Modern Dutch Literature, University of Amsterdam
Lecturer in Early Modern History, University of Leiden
I was awarded my PhD at Leiden University for the dissertation The Royalist Republic: Literature, Politics, and Religion in the Anglo-Dutch Public Sphere 1639-1660. In the past few years, I have taught early modern English and Dutch literature at the universities of Leiden and Groningen. Currently I am lecturer in early modern Dutch literature at the University of Amsterdam and lecturer in early modern European history at Leiden University. I have published various articles on seventeenth-century Anglo-Dutch exchange, public opinion, and the plays of Joost van den Vondel.
Research interests:
Early modern public opinion, cultural exchange in early modern Europe, Anglo-Dutch relations 1560-1713, political culture in the Dutch Republic, Vondel, Shakespeare.
Current Research Projects
I am currently busy publishing the results of my Ph. D. project on Dutch royalism in the mid-17th century, The Royalist Republic. I am also starting up a new project on politics and translation in the Dutch Republic.